Tipping fairly as a tourist

Calculate tip averages for services while traveling without misunderstandings about tipping expectations.

Restaurant Receipt

Total Account






Tip Average

🇺🇸 15%



Avoid using Tipping Guides

Easily calculate the tip by checking the tipping expectations in the country you're visiting.

Country tip expectation

Services tip expectation

Control your expenses while travelling

Stop overtipping and manage your expenses.

Country expenses

Services expenses

Fair Tipping Culture App

Avoid tipping scams or unrealistic tipping guides by knowing the true tipping standards of the locals.

Split the Bill with Friends

Divide the bill among your friends or travel companions effortlessly.

Know Country Tip Expectations

Over 100 countries tipping guides presented to give you a fair tipping experience.

Track Your Expenses Using Your Currency

Monitor and control your expenses during your trips.

Frequently Asked Questions

I study multiple tipping guide sources and, with the help of the community, maintain accurate tipping expectations.

Absolutely, not only European countries but also American, African, and Asian countries. We have over 100 countries listed.

No, we also provide tipping standards for hospitality, personal care, transportation, home services, and entertainment.

That’s exactly what we aim for. With our app, you can know the fair tips of a country as provided by its own locals.

Because holidays or travel can take a significant toll on your finances, tracking expenses is ideal to avoid overspending and unforeseen events.

Avoid misunderstandings when tipping in other countries

Know your next country tipping expectactions instantly with World Tipper.

How did World Tipper Calculator come about?

As a 10 days Challenge Mobile App

I was really tired of creating long, complex apps, so I wanted a new challenge, something useful to create. While on holiday in Cádiz, Spain, seeing many tourists in restaurants reminded me of a topic that isn't widely discussed in Spain: tipping.

Many tourists who go to Spain think that tipping is mandatory, but it's not; it's optional. I thought that maybe they didn't know this and were simply bringing their own tipping culture to Spain, where it's something entirely optional. That's why I decided to create this app, for people from countries with tipping cultures to understand that in some places, it's optional, in others, it might be higher, or, like in Japan, where tipping is considered disrespectful.