Killer Biceps and Back Workout for Mass: Build Muscle and Get Ripped

Building biceps and back muscles is essential for a well-rounded, balanced physique. In this article, we'll show you the best biceps and back workout routine to help you build muscle and get ripped. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, these exercises will challenge your muscles and help you achieve your fitness goals. Let's dive in!

Biceps and back exercises
Back and Biceps Workout Routine.
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Back and biceps workout for mass

Back Workout Cable & Machine & Barbell

Exercises Repetitions Series
Pull-down 6-10 repetitions 3
Barbell Deadlift 6-10 repetitions 3
Rowing machine 6-10 repetitions 4

Biceps Workout Dumbbell & Cable

Exercises Repetitions Series
Barbell Curl EZ 6-10 repetitions 3
Dumbbell Incline Zottman Curl 6-10 repetitions 3
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 6-10 repetitions 4

Effective back and biceps workout with detailed instructions

This workot routine is aimed at muscle gain for the back and biceps muscle groups. To achieve a deeper increase in muscle mass, we should follow these steps when performing the routine:

Days per Week ๐Ÿ“…



Sets ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป



Repetitions ๐Ÿ”

Near failure


How many days to perform a workout routine?

  • The days will depend on the sets we want or are able to perform during the week. If our goal is to do 15 sets per muscle group per week, then we can divide the workout into 2 days, doing 7 sets on one day and 8 sets on the next day for that muscle group. It doesn't matter how you divide it, what matters is that you reach 10 to 20 sets per week for each muscle group. In this case, you can make the routine in 2 days.

What is a training set?

A training set is the number of times you repeat an exercise. For a hypertrophic goal, which is muscle gain, it is necessary to perform a minimum of 10 weekly sets per muscle group and a maximum of 20 weekly sets.

What are repetitions? How many repetitions to perform in training?

A repetition is the number of times we perform a movement of an exercise. For example, in bench press, lifting the barbell once is considered one repetition. Depending on our muscle or strength goals, we may be interested in performing a higher or lower number of repetitions.

  • In each set, perform 6 to 10 repetitions, giving our maximum effort near muscular failure without reaching it, except in exceptional cases. If we can perform more than 10 repetitions, we execute them until near failure, but that would mean we should have increased the weight.

Dropsets โฌ



When to perform the Dropset in our routine?

  • For this routine, I recommend doing a dropset at the end of the workout. That is, if we do 20 total sets for back and biceps in one day, then 3 sets of those 20 will be replaced by a dropset for back or biceps. Ideally, we should do a dropset for each muscle group per week.

Training progression:

  • The training should focus on progressive overload. To achieve this, we have two alternatives for proper training: increasing the weight in each set or starting with the maximum weight and reducing it. The best alternative for muscle mass gain is to start with the maximum weight and reduce it since it meets the 6-10 repetitions per set criterion. However, if we decide to increase the weight per set, we must push ourselves to the true limit of our body for all repetitions. Dropping weight from more to less is simpler because with few repetitions, you overload yourself. However, from less to more, you have to increase your repetitions until you reach true overload.

Perfect Your Technique: Tips for Proper Form in Back and Biceps Exercises

Cable Pull-down to Chest

Preparation: Usually, the cable pull-down to chest is done on machines with a bench where you can adjust your legs. Adjust them so they are straight and slightly tight. If your legs incline, you will lose stability, and that's not what we want. The grip will depend on our muscular goal. In my case, my grip is wide. On the pull-down bars, there are usually some kind of marks. The first marks are where I do the technique of this workout.

Execution: Before starting the exercise, retract the scapulas, grab the pull-down bar, sit at the end of the bench, and lower the bar to the chest. It is necessary to touch the chest with the bar, or else we will not be executing a correct cable pull-down to the chest. When we have the bar in the chest, we keep it for one or two seconds and then raise the bar, fully stretching the body, for one or two seconds.

Barbell Deadlift

Preparation: A tip to keep your back straight without any curvature when grabbing the bar is to place your feet under the bar and grab the bar with your right hand in front and your left hand in the back.

Execution: Lower the body with a straight back, lifting the weight with the grip that is easiest for you. Keep one or two seconds of tension at the top and lower the weight in a controlled manner, touching the ground with a straight back. Wait one or two seconds and continue with the exercise.

Machine Row

Preparation: Place your feet in a way that creates stability and straighten your back.

Execution: Retract the scapulas before executing the machine row, grab the row with your hands as low as possible, and push it as quickly as possible towards the lower area of your body, squeezing the lats and maintaining tension for one or two seconds. Lower the row in a controlled manner without moving your back too much, and wait one or two seconds before continuing with the exercise.

EZ Barbell Curl

Preparation: If you have an adjustable seat, adjust it so that your back is straight when executing the exercise.

Execution: Retract the scapulas to have a straight back. If you can't reach the bar, move your feet to help you grab the bar. Grab the bar in the curved area of the barbell on both sides, lift the bar with force, squeezing the biceps, and wait for one or two seconds before lowering the bar in a controlled manner, maintaining maximum flexion, and then maintaining tension for one or two seconds. Continue with the training.

Dumbbell Incline Zottman Curl

Preparation: Set the bench completely straight and against your back.

Execution: Grab the dumbbells on the right end if it is the right hand and the left end if it is the left hand, retract the scapulas, and lift the dumbbells with force, keeping the elbow in the same position. Wait for one or two seconds while squeezing the biceps, and then rotate the hands to the opposite side to feel the triceps more. Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner and when fully lowered, squeeze the triceps for one or two seconds before continuing with the exercise.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

To perform a dumbbell hammer curl, retract your shoulder blades and hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your hands positioned in the center of the weights. Keeping your arms rigid and without any horizontal movement, lift the dumbbells with force in a vertical motion. Raise the dumbbells to chest level and hold for one or two seconds with tension before lowering them in a controlled manner. Keep tension in your triceps for one or two seconds while lowering the weights.

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